Phone: 619-441-6156
Degrees and Certifications:
Sarah Estes
Welcome To Seventh Grade Science!
Hello Huskies! I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child and working with you throughout the year to have a successful year for all. During this course, your student will have many opportunities to reinforce, extend, and apply what he or she learns with fun and meaningful investigations and activities!
Mrs. Estes contact me at estess@cajonvalley.net
It is a year long course that teaches that natural processes and human activities cause energy to flow and matter to cycle through Earth systems.
Class Supplies Needed
- Chrome Book (school supplied)
- A pencil, a red pen and a highlighter.
- Science notebook- composition type - at least 70 pages (college ruled preferred)
- Colored pencils
Students’ academic grades are based on cumulative points earned in the following categories during each trimester:
- 45% Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, and Projects)
- 50% Class work/Homework & Labs
- 5 % Engagement
A= 100%-89.5% B=89.4%-79.5% C=79.4%-69.5% D=69.4%-59.5% F=59.4% & below
Parent Involvement:
You can help your student at home by checking their Google Classroom account for daily assignments and upcoming tests/quizzes and due dates.
Grades are available on Zangle – I update grades frequently. Check as often as needed!.
I will be using Zangle Gradebook which can be accessed through our school’s website.
Please be sure to have your child check google classroom each day.
Daily Work
Daily work will be posted on Google Classroom. Generally, daily work not completed in class should be completed at home by the due date ( generally the next class day). If students are using their time wisely, work to be completed at home should be minimal
Students are responsible for completing any assignments missed due to absences. Assignments are posted in Google classroom. Students should talk to their peers or see the teacher if they have any questions about the missing assignments.
- Respect each other and our classroom environment, clean up after yourself, no food or drink in the classroom without teacher permission (water only).
- Be careful with classroom materials and equipment. Do not lean back in chairs. Unsafe behavior during labs will result in an “F” on that lab assignment, exclusion from future lab activities and possible detention or referral.
- Be on time for class, and be prepared to work, to learn, and to participate. You must be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.
- Hats and hoods must be removed before entering the classroom.
- Cell phones and other hand held electronics (other than calculators) must be turned off and tucked away in your backpack or purse.
- Gum chewing as well as any airborne objects may result in an immediate detention!