Phone: 619-588-3097
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Neal
Hello guests. My name is Lisa Neal and I have been teaching PE for 17 years. I have a B.S. in Kinesiology, Teacher's California CLAD credential, a Minors in Psychology and a Masters in Education. I am a Native San Diegan and love living here. I am truly grateful for all that I can enjoy and everything I have. Family is very important to me. I have 2 sons, 21 and 17. They mean everything to me.
I love teaching Physical Education. There is a great reward in watching a student bloom into their full potential. Health and fitness are very important to me and are a huge part of my lifestyle and I try and model that for my students. You'll find me running races, including half marathons and out on the trails. I love hiking, working out, yoga, the ocean, and I enjoy reading as well.