• Setting Up an Effective Learning Environment



    Students are different. Some do need a completely quiet room free from interruptions when they study, but others actually study better listening to quiet music in the background or taking several breaks. Your student will study most effectively if you make your special, like a ceremony. Assign yourself a specific place and regular time.
    Discover whether your student is vulnerable to noise and other distractions. Does your student work better by sitting quietly for a long period of time or taking short breaks once in awhile and then return to your work? Most younger students need frequent breaks. Schedule in breaks to optimize learning and time on task.
    Student thrive when they have specific areas for learning. Although not every home can afford special areas, but some consider unique areas to allow for rotation throughout the day. 
    These areas can include:

    • Main Work Area - Place for students to work on high cognitive demanding tasks such as research, math, writing.
    • Reading Space- Think about creating a sacred place for reading. You may have one area designated for a read-aloud, and one area for quiet personal reading.
    • Art - Art spaces are flexible. The kitchen table works ideal since art is often messy and it allows for easy clean-up. Creating an outdoor art space, or patio area also works well.


    Before selecting your art space, think about ease of clean-up. Does your space allow for projects that take multiple days to complete?